Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sunday night

We have returned from church and our youth "group" (sigh) and put away the leftover pizza: from 3 pizzas purchased for 6 people, we have about half a pizza left. Next Sunday is Senior Sunday so our seniors will run the show. I'm glad the year is finally over, which is the norm for this stuff. I remember feeling this way a lot when I taught the younger kids in Sunday School.

Speaking of which, today was Confirmation Sunday. The kids who were confirmed today were kids I taught when they were in 3rd and 4th grade. It was fabulous to see them up there, grown much taller and amazing young adults. When this year's class was introduced, the coordinator asked for everyone in the congregation who was related to someone being confirmed to stand; then she asked for all their teachers and youth leaders to stand. That left about 1/3 of the congregation seated.

This class also shared the fact that they were all baptized in our church, and all of their parents were married in our church, and one of each of their parents was confirmed in our church. They all have parents and grandparents in the congregation, and one girl's great-grandmother is a member. I'm not sure what that says--beyond the fact rather Twilight Zone sense of No One Leaves This Town Alive--but it was kind of cool.

And yes, kids, you ARE SO allowed to write in your own Bibles! One of them shared her Bible with the coordinator who then told the librarians not to be shocked at all the writing in it. Of course, you should write in your own well-loved books. WTF!?

So the school year is winding down. We leave for the Gulf Coast in about 31 days. Looks like we'll be doing drywalling and painting while we're down there. I can handle that. I'm less sure I'll be able to handle the sleeping arrangements (cots in large tents), the flora (BIG bugs), the humidity, and the extreme lack of privacy. And, I'll be dealing with the woman I've been having issues with all this month, too.

BUT, I'm still excited about the trip, and haven't started the compulsive internal worrying about all the details yet. After all, before we leave I need to get this vertigo sorted out (and kick the sore throat and plugged ears I've developed today), Sparky has to finish 7th grade, the carpets need to be shampooed, I need to empty my work carts, and we need to move a LARGE sofa and chair 45 miles from a second-floor apartment into our basement.

All in all, today was a beautiful day both weather-wise and soul-wise. Those are nice to have.

No dreams tonight of caged lions turning into giant guinea pigs, Sparky in fiery car crashes, or any other weird or horrifying things. I think I'll sleep the sleep of the Exposed to Fresh Air for several hours. We all have a touch of ye olde Northern European Tan (i.e. sunburn).

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