Saturday, May 06, 2006


I've updated both the reading list on the sidebar here, and my actual book blog. I sure slowed down last month...a lot!

RLP answers a reader's question: Why does the Bible matter to Christians? I'll be saving this for next year's confirmation class...

One of my favorite "fun" library blogs had to shut down last week, due to management censorship. They also had to delete most of their entries. If they ever return, I hope I find them again; they were great! Ain't it great that a library shut down a blog? And you wonder why I try to be anonymous....

Two words added to Double-Tongued Word Wrester's extensive archives this week caught my eye:
snout house - n. a single-family residence in which a garage projects from, obscures, or dominates the street-facing side of the building.
There are a lot of these in my neighborhood.
squoval adj. square with rounded corners. Also as noun.
This one just makes me laugh; it's fun to say, and just outright bizarre.
Flavor of the Month mentioned that she was going on a Cursillo Weekend. I've checked; we Presbys do this too...perhaps I'll see about going someday. Sounds good.

Innings linked to another "when will I die" meter. This one says I'll make it to age 80, unless I choose to use what they call Super Longevity Factors: if I use all of those as soon as they become widely available, I could live to 150! Yikes.

All I have left on today's To-Do list is to read the last 4 days' worth of papers. I've done the communion bread (though I still need to take it to church) and Beast is on his way to Walgreen's for that stuff. Sparky and I are heading to Sam's Club (on a Saturday--shoot me now!), and maybe I'll leave him at Borders while I head to Famous Footwear to buy some new sandals. I have a slight headache, but yesterday's vertigo is gone (for now).

Trying to decide if I should do the Immigration Walk tomorrow afternoon. It would be a lovely day for a walk, and I want to do it because I'm sick of all the not-quit-aboveboard racist shit in the media of late. Will I? Not sure.

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