Friday, May 05, 2006


Before I left work on Tuesday, I made the following list:
Finish kids' series (all of 'em)
Talk to [Miss W.] re museum pass
Find review journals
Do Boy Scout stuff
Ask [techie librarian] about...
Proquest promo stuff
Old On Order cards
Go through DeweyErrors listserve
Demand cards
At the bottom of the paper in small print is:
Thurs hours
[New Software Company] list
LC series dec
I have JUST completed the top list, except for the DeweyErrors thing, which I can do before I leave. The bottom list was things to talk to the boss about. Not happenining again today because of it being Board Week (i.e. she's swamped thru Thurs. p.m.) and she had meetings literally all day today. I just can't do that to her. I'll wait till Tuesday. That makes it 2 weeks since the schedule was published. Does that show patience and forbearance, or a doormat?

And what, do you ask, did I do all day today?, plus a 40-minute stint at Circ at 4:00.

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