Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Sparky is writing a book. He mentioned this plan about 3 weeks ago...maybe more than that. Having started many, many books at his age, I nodded and said, "Great. What's it about?" and left it at that.

I found Sunday's bulletin with notes about the book (though I didn't recognize it as such) all over it. Tonight I asked what he was up to closeted in his room all afternoon and evening: he's working on his book, of course.

He's on chapter three. Of the first book. Because it's going to be a trilogy, with a separate book explaining the language (I think that's what he said). It mostly sounds like a regurgitation of The Lord of the Rings, probably with some major manga elements as well.

Don't worry: I'm not calling for a literary agent just yet.

I'm just glad he's not playing video games. Yes, he's tied to the computer (the one is his room is so old that all it's good for is typing up papers: no 'net connection, and too slow for games), but he's being creative.

I should worry less about him. He'll be fine.

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