Wednesday, May 10, 2006


...and, mostly, not finding...

Issues around QUOTES!!

  • eddie vedder groupies (2 completely separate entries!)
  • gil's all fright diner footnotes (don’t think it had any)
  • who is the addressee (bears no relationship to reality—way to go,!)
  • study guide for "Hoot" written by Carl Hiaasen (yeah, ok: quote ONE WORD…that’ll work!)
  • walking barefoot
  • jennifer tg dietz
  • poem to show how much i like you (very sweet, but I don't think I have any here for yez)
  • My cat is not at all friendly to anyone except myself and my husband when she want to be. What is wrong with my cat? (you need to shoot it…and then yourself for being so stoopid about internet searching)
  • la cucaracha- stoned (keep that minus sign next to the word you want omitted)
  • poof no eyebrows (poof, no brain cells)
  • $en$ual m@ss@ge galena Illin0is (Though I changed the 'spelling' I’m saying NOTHING else!)
  • muscle cars GTO (this was in the midst of a bunch of referrals from kimsquit—very odd…)
  • bio edward bloor (so many thing wrong here…)
  • this is the sound of my soul know this much is true (well, now you know where I got the title & description of my blog, but that’s probably NOT what you were looking for, eh?)
  • this much is true (see previous)
  • imagery from charlie bone and the time twister (Sorry, not gonna help you here: write your own Language Arts paper, little twerp)
  • electrokinetic accelerator gun (you've got me confused with someone else
  • Sleek Dreams (nope wrong blog, you’re thinking of Amy)
Image Searches

  • Henry VIII -- //// times
    Pyrex stacking bowls
    Stupid photo of L-’-i-l K-i-m in p0nytails, which I’VE DELETED! -- //// //// //// times


  • e) There she stands As if alive. Will’t please you rise? We’ll meet The company below, then. I repeat The Count your master’s known munificence Is ample warrant that no just pretense Of mine
  • "That's my last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were alive"
    Apparently, that poem is still being assigned to classes….
  • your love is deeper than my view of grace higher than this worldly place longer than this road ive traveled wider than the gap youve filled

AND...the decent ones that make some sense

  • neal wyatt -- from my PLA notes
  • "amy herrick" "house on fire" – she wrote a book I read, but not that one; I was threatening to burn down a neighbor’s house in another post…nice person, that Cat.!
  • cover "Anne Harris - Open Your Doors" – woot! A decent search, and done in Polish to boot! Although, no I didn’t post a picture of the cover
  • "angels around my bed" (OK, a pretty decent search but you still got 91 hits and picked me?)
  • "wedding passages" (and of the 19, you picked me?)

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