Friday, April 21, 2006

Update on life

I've been asked, and having read over my posts from the last week, I realize that I haven't kept current.

Specifically in response to the whinging in this post, I will say that things are substantially better.

I had my review yesterday and 'scored' about as close to an solid A as one can do in the workplace. So that was reassuring, and apparently whatever bitching people did about me wasn't enough to have her come back at me and bite me in the ass.

On the other hand, I now have two completely full carts, plus a long shelf full and the beginning of another smaller cart to work on. I took pictures this morning. I'll post them when I have access to a cable for the camera.

And I volunteered for a bunch more work this summer. But I'll still only be part time.
I put away the journals, both physically and metaphorically. And I talked to Jenny who talked me back from the edge of neurosis.

Now I just have to get my pictures sorted by next week!
Our next-door neighbor's baby is fine, but they've discovered that he's allergic to Dimetapp, which (for those who don't take cold meds made in the U.S.) is a mild decongestant.

The situation with my neighbor/co-youth-leader is resolved. I'm outta the loop and happy. And I'm definitely re-examining church activities closely. I see changes coming.

My sister still has PD. Can't change that. I still don't think about it without getting weepy, but I'm back on a mroe even keel, recognizing that this is the sucky part of being the youngest sibling. And there are 'things' the doctors can do. I will talk to someone I know whose mother died of PD; that always helps, too.

I'm going to the zoo tomorrow. Cuz, somethin' tells me it's all happenin' at the zoo. Woo-woo-woo.

But today: work.

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