Friday, April 21, 2006

What a day!


I didn't do much today, but I'm really tired. Here's my list from my weekly report to the boss:
* Email / Listserves / Bloglines
* Cataloged kids’ series – and I’m taking a break from them for awhile—the back shelf is full again (but I never got back to do any cataloging after about 10 this morning)
* Entered Demand order cards (which took nearly all day!)
* Spent 45 minutes checking in stuff from [distance] bookdrop -- tons of weird stuff!
SCHEDULED at Reference for three hours
And I did update my Reflog. Still, nothing much moved as far as cataloging. Oh, well. I guess it'll wait. I didn't even get time to check my email after 1:00 this afternoon!!

Our new Spanish-speaking staff member started today. Oddly, he's actually from Mozambique and he was raised in Portugal. So he's tri-lingual (like the person he's replacing). He also speaks some Polish. Shit: Americans are dumb. Anyway, he's a lovely, soft-spoken man...who wore a suit today. I was in the workroom in jeans and bare feet when he showed up. Culture shock. ;-)

I did have a nice lunch break: a garden salad (from BK) which I took to the city park and ate while listening to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Now I'm going home. And I'm not coming back till next Tuesday, when I will be working only a half day.


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