Saturday, February 04, 2006


I started hyperventilating the moment I saw my desk this morning. There's just too much to do.

So I made a list of what must get done today. Here it is:

  • Demand cards entered
  • Demand paperbacks cataloged
  • Empty "fly box"
  • Pack up encyclopedias for school we're giving them to (I was supposed to do this around Jan. 20)
I also originally wrote down "Start working on cart" because it's getting full. The Order Queen went nuts this week and spent about $6,000. Possibly more. I need to get stuff moving. I crossed that off within about 5 minutes of writing it.

Got here at 9. Took a 45-minute lunch break. I just finished the four things on the list. It took me three hours to do the demand cards, and about two hours to do the fly box. The rest of the day...God knows. I emailed Amy repeatedly. My niece stopped in (she's nearby on a women's retreat) to see me, and to buy books from the book sale -- one of which is "What to Expect When You're Expecting." Gasp.

No, she's not. But it made me think: when she does have a kid, what'll s/he be to me? A grand-niece? A great-nephew? I'll be a great-aunt, right? Oh, yeah, I'll be a Great Aunt. What fun; can't wait.

[My 33-year-old niece told me she was old today. I did NOT smack her.]

Anyway, I think I screwed around a lot today. But I don't remember doing it. I did one meme, and one work post. Oh, yeah, wait: I caught up on my Bloglines reading. The language-y ones I just deleted en masse. There were over 170 library-related posts. I saved about 10 for later review. That probably took 45 minutes. I've still got 150 listserve messages in my Inbox. There's another half-hour minimum, but I'm not going there. Not today.

I need to go home, bake Communion bread, and drive it back to church before 8 a.m. tomorrow. Poor planning on my part. Such is life.

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