Monday, February 06, 2006


It has just taken me about 2 hours to update my book blog and fix the archives there. I had tried to put a drop-down button thingy there (as I've done here). Somehow the coding didn't work, even though it looks perfectly fine to me (rank amateur that I am). In the meantime, I'd deleted the 'old' way I had the Archives set I had to recreate it. Not so hard, just time-consuming. Moral: copy the template EVERYTIME before you start making changes. Wish I'd listen to my own advice.

Blogger has been completely psycho for the last several days. They're taking the whole thing down this afternoon in hopes of correcting all the wackiness. I hope so.

[At this point in the post, I lost my wireless link. Fortunately, huh, I'd already saved a draft of it.]

I think I should stop playing with the computer. There seems to be a movement to keep me from accomplishing anything with it. This is not necessarily a bad thing...

So, I'm off to clean up the kitchen after last night's festivities, and put socks on. It's cold in the house (we keep the thermostat at about 58 during the day while we're at work--except I'm not at work today). But! The Sun Is Out!!

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