Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Last night

...we had leftover chili (Beast) and pizza (Sparky). I had a bagel. We ate at the dinner table with our weird food.

...Beast planned to read Sunday and Monday's papers, then catch up our bills.

...Sparky and I created an invitation for his 'birthday party' this Saturday (nothing like waiting for as long as possible!)

...life was pretty good. The kitchen was clean. CLEAN, I say!

Then, we tried printing the invitation, from this here laptop. BOINGGGGGGG-CRASH, etc. No printing. Then, no 'net access. Then no printing from the PC, and no 'net access there either. We eventually sent Sparky off to bed. An hour-and-a-half later, Beast shut everything off in hopes that OFF=RESET. He wanted everything to cool off (including himself). I went to bed because I couldn't keep my eyes open.

It was not a good night. He got nothing accomplished on his "list." We got in a snitty little spat because he was frustrated and I knee-jerked when he snapped at me.

And in the night I had the weirdest dreams about work. Not bad, just completely nonsensical. They left a very strange "taste" in my brain this morning.

After getting up, I made a new invitation on the PC, printed it with minimal problems, the 'net connection is (obviously) working just fine. I'm trying to get all my blogging in now, since I anticipate a completely psychotic day at work today. As they all seem to be of late.

Time to head to the wars.

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