Friday, February 03, 2006

I'm a Grown-Up

Yes, I'm feeling less like a slug than I have in about 3 weeks. I've grocery shopped, I've fixed a gift card I gave someone that had no funds attached (had to go to Office Max to do so), I've bought (and wrapped!) Sparky's birthday gift--points off for buying it on his birthday?--and I've baked him a cake. Haven't made him a homemade cake in probably 5 years. Triple chocolate fudge cake with fudge frosting (tho', since it just came out of the oven, I'm holding off on the frosting for an hour or two). Hi Shelly; shall I send a slice?

Beast caught an earlier flight home, so he might be back to the house as early as 3, instead of 4:30. We are going out to eat tonight, Sparky's choice in restaurants. I'm hoping NOT Old Country...even KFC would be better than that!

On another note entirely, I've realized today that I have favorite dishes. I love the Coors glass we have; it's a proper bar beer glass (not mug) with very thick glass, nicely tapering toward the base, but NOT tippy. Somewhere we picked up an oversized Campbell's soup bowl. It's big enough to hold a whole can of the premade soup (Chunky), not that I use it for that. Just now I'm eating Chex mix out of it, but I use it for everything, including cooking. I will rinse out the glass and reuse it for several days just because it feels right. We have normal dishes, glassware, plastic cups, etc. Am I getting compulsive or is this normal?

Cinnamon is clucking. Do guinea pigs purr? Maybe he's snoring? Coughing? If only we weren't so wimpy, we'd simply put him out of his misery and be done. He's been doing this all day; he sounds vaguely owl-ish. Silly ratty.

Having now bragged about being a Grup, I shouldn't probably tell you that I'm going off now to play games online. Oops.

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