Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sunday night

So, if I slept 10 hours last night, why am I so tired tonight? I mean, yeah, it's 11:30, but I was zonked about 2 hours ago. I think I'd better call the doctor about this, along with the fact that I've had a headache every day since Christmas (or thereabouts), bad enough to take Tylenol or ibuprofen at least 5 or 6 times a week. It does seem to have abated tonight for some reason: hot bath? Quiet house? No work tomorrow?

Today was a nicely quiet day at work. Not too many crazies, none that I had to deal with (if you discount the guy whose daughter filled out his Internet form for him because he "doesn't like to write"--I'm pretty sure she signed it for him, too....can you say functional illiterate?). I stayed after we closed and memed for an hour then went to church to pick up Sparky, eat dinner, and sit through another discouraging senior high youth group meeting followed by a totally irritating leader meeting.

I'm very frustrated about the leaders of this group because the focus seems to be on numbers rather than content. Then there is the fact that two of the people just simply WILL NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP, interrupting at a whim, talking over others, diverging manically from the subject at hand, refusing to listen to answers to their questions.... Beast nearly walked out in a snit because of me trying to get him to stop being snotty to me (even though I knew he was pissed at these other two people). It has certainly been the week for Meetings From Hell.

And I will be at my first Session meeting at church Tuesday, clerking my brains out. Can't wait for that. I have reached the 'F' mark on my Annoyance-With-Other-People Tank, which tends to push out the remaining drops of patience.

Beast is out of town Monday through Thursday night this week. He's helping out with Sparky's retreat on Saturday next week and then he leaves again the following Monday and will be gone through Friday. I really will have to get my act together and stay off the computer and keep the house (and our lives) tidy while he's gone.

I need to sleep, so I'll close now. My apologies for the whinginess.

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