Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Headache Woman Strikes Again!

[headline must be read a la The National Enquirer]

Headache Woman didn't have 1 extra day to use, she had 5. She didn't ask for time off beyond yesterday. Oh, no. But she isn't here today. And she's not likely to be here tomorrow either. Because she's owed these days off, don'tcha know.

Beyond saying that this betrays her union mindset working in the Big City for the brief time she did three millennia ago, I'm going to try not to make personal statements. But I do have to say that if anyone reading this tried this, I don't think they'd have a job for long, eh?

But, of course, I will be sitting at the Reference Desk for two hours in her stead today. And probably a couple of hours tomorrow as well.

By they way, this all came to pass because she didn't realize that on every pay stub there is a list of unused holiday/sick/vacation hours accrued. They have been on the stub as long as I've worked here (ten years). She never looks at her stubs. God help us--does her father do her taxes for her too!?

[So much for not personalizing this post....]

So, back to continuations for me today for as long as I can be at my desk. Wheeeee.

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