Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Grant Guy

We have hired a temporary employee to help us spend our grant money appropriately (that was part of the grant: hiring someone...BRILLIANT!). The funding is designated toward getting men/boys into the library in droves for something other than annoying the librarians. Hrrrmph.

Grant Guy is a nice guy, very gung-ho, lots of "face", very salesman-y. He also asks for a lot of time. Since he is using the cube next to mine, if I have my headphones off for even the briefest moment while in his line of vision, I become fair game. I blew it his very first day by showing that I know something about running statistical reports in Millennium. Now he asks for reports every time he sees me. Just exactly how many different ways of massaging data can one person come up with? The short and the long of it is that about 40% of our libray cards are issued to males, and they account for less than a third of our total circulation. We've done a (paper) survey of everyone who came in the library one week last month. We have data coming out the wazoo.

Grant Guy: Leave me alone! Let's get spending this money! I'd prefer if we didn't spend it all on books I have to catalog, but {shrug} whatever, I'm easy. Just, please, no more reports, okay? It takes me a couple of hours to figure out each one. See, I said I knew 'something' about them, not 'everything.' All this statistical stuff interrupts my blogging time, which is very annoying! [see above]

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