Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I'm sitting in the living room checking Haloscan and Bloglines. Everyone has left for the day except me. Since I will be at work till about 6 tonight, I don't feel very compelled to get there at the crack of dawn (why 'the crack' of dawn, by the way?). I was up till 11 Simming last night and my eyes are tired from all this computer use lately. And yet, here I am again.

It's quiet. The only sounds I hear are the quiet hum of the laptop and the key clicks as I type, the pop of the carbonation in the can of Dr. Pepper to my right, and the homey sounds of the guinea pigs. They are eating now, but when I started typing this post, one of them was humming. Ooh, now he's started again. It's sort of a purr crossed with a snore or a hiccup. Maybe with a low-level growl underneath it all. I think it's probably Cinnamon. He hasn't completely recovered from last month's seizures; his right front paw isn't working right, and he stands lopsided all the time now. He's lost a lot of weight, too, and his eye is still squinty. Poor little guy.

I suppose I should hit the road. I need to stop at the book drop around the corner and empty it on my way to work. I am, for a change, prepared for a stack of books, as I have a big DSW bag in my truck for just such an eventuality.

After work, I will head over to church for "Officer Training." Sigh. At least they will feed us while we are being indoctrinated.

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