Friday, December 30, 2005


This has been kind of a strange week. Work has been pretty good (we have two former pages, college kids, filling in over their break, so I'm not booted to a service desk as often as I expected to be while everyone's gone). When I get home, I've been sitting down with the laptop and Simming for hours. Like, 4 or more. So pathetic. I don't even know how to use the wireless connection yet, which is supposedly why we got the stupid thing.

Meanwhile, Sparky is inside the TV with his GameCube, having the time of his life.

Tomorrow we may have the rest of our Christmas at friends' house. Nothing is certain yet, though.

Hopefully, then things will get back to normal, or what passes for normal in our house.

Meanwhile, back at work, Headache Woman freaked out yesterday because she realized she still had a floating holiday to use before the end of the year...and she works every day the rest of the year (we aren't closed any days except Sunday this weekend). Major panic ensued: she's going home RIGHT NOW! No, she's taking Saturday off. No, she'll work half days... Then, because of her incessant talking about it, some of the staff thought she still had a week of time to burn.

The short and the long of it is that we are always allowed to just write in the hours we're owed on days we don't work and get paid for time we're not here. This is sort of encouraged, rather than taking all the days off and making the schedule icky.

Headache Woman, however, won't EVER do that. And, get this: she gets 31 days off per year, including holidays and vacation time. That's over 6 work-weeks.

Life is so hard for her, eh?

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