Thursday, December 29, 2005


I'm at a loss to explain it, but this year instead of my usual post-Christmas funk, I'm actually pretty cheerful. Ironically, I've come across about five other bloggers, friends and "just people I read," who are not having a stellar week. Or at least some of the posts they've done have been sort of blah. Not really cranky or clinically depressive, just....yish.

What's interesting in my case--since I'm not even going to try to sort out the rest of the world (for a change! hee)--is that even hearing on the weather report last night that "we will not see the sun again in 2005" didn't send me into Seasonal Affective Disorderliness. I crave sunshine like a drunk craves Thunderbird, and this has been a horrible week in terms of terminally yucky weather.

Still. I have a plausible reason for not sinking into a funk, but it's one of those that I don't really believe until I see it. And I see it, I see it. I've found that when I rediscover something I've lost, it's all the more meaningful--for awhile--to have it again.

Talking in circles? Yeah. But it's either that, or work on these stupid skinny books.

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