Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Ugh, or maybe not

In my continuing commitment to catalog no skinny books until the first of the year, I'm doing all kinds of weird project stuff...all I have left on my work cart is kids' stuff.

So, I cataloged a few travel books, a couple of continuations, created a list of locally-cataloged items to see if any of them have made it into OCLC yet. Exported it to Excel and cleaned up; printed it. Found about 6 on the first 6 pages before Connexion ground to a halt. Went through the Dewey books updating the changes in Table 3C. Other Dewey updates. Worked at Circ for an hour.

Just realized I haven't kept up my "Weekly Stuff" lists for the boss. So tomorrow I will recreate yesterday and today there.

Yes: boring. But I'm listening to "Rose Tint My World (Floor Show)" from RHPS and giggling madly as I type this.

So, get your joy wherever. I'm going home now, to Sim again.

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