Thursday, December 15, 2005

Is this Friday?

I'm so confused: I never-ever take off work on a Thursday. I keep thinking it's Friday.

Part of the problem is that I haven't slept well the last two nights. I woke up at 3:15 yesterday morning and at 3:11 today. I eventually got back to sleep yesterday, but last night, I was effectively done for the night. Woo-hoo: 4 hours of sleep, plus (maybe) 5 or a little over the night before. Consequently, I'm feeling foggy today. Sure hope I wrapped and labelled everything right: my mother-in-law might be insulted if she ends up with a picture book, and my godson probably won't enjoy Sweet Pea body lotion.

I need to get back to the wrapping thing, but I also have to go to the grocery store. But first I need a list. And at this point I'm liable to fall asleep writing a list, any list.

Going outside, however, will definitely wake me up!

We got more snow this morning, and all day so far the sky and the ground have been the exact same color: white. It's a monochrome world today...a good day to sleep. Put a log in the fireplace, curl up on the couch under a blanket and watch the flames. Yep.

I wish.

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