Friday, December 16, 2005

Things for Today

Bad things:

  1. One of our guinea pigs is having seizure after seizure this morning. He has done this before but not for 4 hours. We may have to take him to the vet for a Last Shot if he keeps up; I'm afraid he's going to hurt the other 'pig.'
  2. I've still got a bunch of Christmas stuff to buy, and distribute.
  3. I currently have 10 books on my reading pile. I was down to 2 on Monday. How does this happen??
  4. Christmas cards are supposed arrive BEFORE Christmas?? Oh, well. Maybe next year!

Neutral things:

  1. Sparky doesn't like root beer flavored candy? Who knew? I love the stuff, so I don't mind him turning it down.
  2. I'm just not comfortable giving gift cards to people for Christmas, specifically my mom and mom-in-law. But, that's what they're getting. Actually, it's not gift cards themselves: it's the fact that one is from McDonald's and the other is from Wal-Mart. But, hey, you buy what people want, not what you like, right?
  3. Beast is home today, most of the day, and will be here much of the next two weeks. I have presents to wrap, so I'll have to shoo him away when I get to the point of wrapping.
  4. I made dinner last night: Turkey Nachos. Good. First home-cooked meal in a week, to be followed by yet another shockingly home-cooked meal tonight. Tomorrow we're supposed to be at a party (unless the weather tanks), and Sunday we're going to The Big City with the youth group.
Good things:
  1. I have about 3 things left to wrap for the boxes that need to be mailed today. Then two more things for the Bethlehem family and I'm done for the time-sensitive stuff.
  2. The sun is shining.
  3. Beast and I had a good talk about his work situation (etc.) this morning and cleared the air.
  4. I finished the Diana Gabaldon book. And of course, but naturally, it ends with the possibility of yet another book. {insert multiple swear words here} So, that would make it seven books. The math doesn't work: seven does not equal "trilogy" (her original intent). But it ended well, and most of the bad guys were vanquished, which is good if you're into that.

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