Wednesday, December 14, 2005


No big shock here: Beast is delayed an hour or so on his flight home. So far. They've just told them, so all the information online is still showing that his flight will leave on time and arrive 40 minutes early. Yeah.

Has anyone told Ted that it's snowing in parts of the country?

Oh, well, it will give us some time to get the house picked up so that at least the man can walk into something that no longer resembles a Santa v. the U.S. Postal Service grudge match.

I don't work tomorrow. At least, not at the library. I'll be wrapping presents, though. All-freakin'-day! :-) The "Oh, SHIT!" you'll hear at about noon is me realizing I forgot to buy something for _____________.

In the meantime, what fast food outlet should get our business tonight....Sparky had KFC last night....maybe we'll go local fast food for a change of pace.

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