Wednesday, April 13, 2005

More gossip, this time really local

Word of the day: detritus \dih-TRY-tuhs\, noun; plural detritus:
1. Loose material that is worn away from rocks.
2. Hence, any fragments separated from the body to which they belonged; any product of disintegration; debris.

Our last bookstore in town closed last fall, and that was the religious bookstore. It was good, but certainly not general.

The last 'general' bookstore in town closed about five years ago, the owner attributing its demise to Amazon and other online behemoths while also noising that she had to sell candy to make the rent and talking down about kids. Great attitude, eh?

I talked to a friend of mine on Monday--who really should be named Miss W. because she knows every-damn-person in town!--and she told me that she finds out this week if her business loan will go through. If so, she'll be opening a new bookstore downtown in the fall. Woot!! No, seriously, yee-hah! She'll be great at schmoozing everyone, and is perfectly set up for customer service. Business planning? Well, her plan sounds good, but who am I to judge that?

Anyway, no one is supposed to know...she sort of swore me to secrecy before telling me...but then she mentioned at least 10 others she has told. To me, that's not a secret. To her, yeah, I think that qualifies.

So big changes ahead: I volunteered to help her out. And couldn't believe those words were coming out of my mouth. But yippee: a bookstore!

Quote(s) of the day:
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied." --Claud Cockburn

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