Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Bleak library

Mood: Fair
Hair: Little barrettes, shades of January 1985
Listening to: John Mayer, "Room for Squares"

"There's no such thing as the real world / Just a lie you got to rise above"

OK, so I did my annual early-December-meltdown-everyone-feel-sorry-for-me-outburst last night. Not sure I feel better.

"I am invincible ... as long as I'm alive"

Well there you go.

Anyway. I bagged cataloging completely yesterday after doing Ref for awhile yesterday morning. Instead, I spent the day reading reviews and writing order cards. Which is surprisingly therapeutic because I'm so anal about how I do it. The order comes up to less than $900. I still have $2300 to blow before April. Plus my $300 of "fun money" which I can spend on ANYthing--we all get this much to buy our own personal goodie-bag. One year I bought musicals on DVD, one year I think I bought scrapbooking stuff. Not sure what to buy this year... How about some blog books!?

As as result of yesterday's shirking, I have to -- HAVE TO -- get stuff pushed through today. But first I'm going back over yesterday's list to mark off the improvements. Maybe that will cheer me as well.


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