Saturday, October 23, 2004

Stream of consciousness after work

Mood: OK, sore and tired, but OK
Hair: Half-assed braid
Snappy Comeback NOT to be used today: I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.

That is SO not me.

Anyway. I worked today. Got most of my Bottom Shelf sorted, about half of it is cataloged, another third of it needs copy-catting. The rest is weird shit that will never show up in OCLC and I don't want to deal with.

We're going to friends' house tomorrow, folks we haven't seen for awhile. It will be nice.

But first Sparky's acting skills have been requested for Sunday School tomorrow. I may be his partner on-stage, unless the coordinator can get another kid to do it.

My back? Hurts.

Work next week? Looks like I'll be on the Ref Desk a lot--we have lots of librarians taking days off. Great. And I have to prep for Shut-In deliveries. Ish.

Talked to my mom last night, which was depressing. That doesn't even explain how miserable talking to her is. It's like talking on a cell phone with poor reception to a very stubborn three-year-old who is also spoiled and lazy and doesn't understand English very well. At the end, I hang up and feel like putting my head through a wall; or maybe I feel as if I have just done so. I'll say it again: that woman is NOT my mother, she's NOT the mother who raised me, she's an imposter.

I wish.

Clearly, I need a vac day tomorrow. Hope that turns out better than I have reason to expect it to.
Must head home now and eat burgers, perhaps do some ironing, and take a bath. Perhaps I can convince the Beast to crack my back at some point....

Happy Sunday to all!

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