Thursday, September 30, 2004


Mood: Good--amped up
Clothes: Black jeans, black souvenir T, black shoes/black earrings/belt with silver accents
Hair: 40s--black barrette
Listening to: Aerosmith CD: Get a Grip ("Eat the Rich" right now)

Sensing a theme today?


Driving to work today I realized that we live above the clouds. There was a fog bank hanging down below the tall trees way at the end of our street, cutting them in two and making them look like two layers of trees instead of a single line. As I wound down the hill, I passed the fogbank in open areas, and a mist in the playground. The morning was nearly monochrome: grey everything. Once I reached the "old" part of the village, there was not a patch of sky to be seen above and no groundfog at all. It almost makes going to work fun, seeing how the drive changes every day.

So now I'm at work, time to DO SOME (except I can't because Wonderful Tech has a completely full cart with no place to put more stuff I do today). So I'll be working on the Problem Children today: no barcode, no record in the database, call # on book doesn't match database etc.

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