Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Early afternoon

OK, I’m a crappy people-manager. I practice avoidance of disagreements as much as I can. And I will say that I occasionally bottle up and erupt in somewhat inappropriate and out-in-left-field places and times (just ask Beast).

But really, don’t you think that our Label Typer should have been able to fit in a couple of extra spine labels a day for the last few weeks or so in order to get the 20 or so books I pulled TWO MONTHS AGO back to the shelves?? And shouldn’t she have managed to not be pissy when I called her on it today??

So now we’re to handling things like 13-year-old girls: she’s not talking to me and madly doing all kinds of other work to show how busy she is. I’m not not talking to her exactly, but I do need to say, "So when are they going to get done?" Even my director said it’s like being in junior high school.

Even Hypochondriac Librarian’s issues (it’s her eyes today) aren’t nearly as irritating today compared to this. I will be on Reference two extra hours today because of her having to go to the doctor…oh well. I’m out of the workroom! Away from psycho Label Woman.

UPSIDE: I’m in my headphones, no one’s talking to me, and listening to Bat Out of Hell. So who can really be upset listening to Meat Loaf?

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