Sunday, March 14, 2004

Windy cold and sunny

Since Saturday night, last post time...

...picked up pizza and garlic bread and brought them home for dinner which included, as a guest, Sparky's friend, He Who Does Not Eat in Public. Oops: Beast only ordered one pizza, with stuff on it; no plain cheese 'za for HWDNEiP. So we were again subjected to pouting (he'd already done The Pout at lunch with Beast, Sparky and Katherine). We ended up having another pizza delivered just for him. $35+ for dinner.

As we waited for the second pizza, we got a call that Sparky's Grandpa is not doing well. Rather scary things are happening. Grandma is not, consequently, doing well either. Bummer. I like my pa-in-law a lot.

About 9:30 HWDNEiP's grandma called to let us know that his mom has taken herself to the emergency room. She has MS, so she's put off the inevitable too long. Since the parents are divorced, this means a bit of shift in our drop-off plan for him. Who is on our last nerve by now. [really, I like kids most of the time....]

Up this morning to prep for Sunday School. Guess what! HWDNEiP won't eat breakfast!! At least, none of the myriad choices we have. So we do the church stuff and go to Dunkin' Donuts--having established that he WILL eat those (now severely downgraded in my brain, just because of this!).

By the time his dad picks him up--11 a.m.--Beast has shouted at him once, and I've come down on him twice. JUST THIS MORNING alone. Low blood-sugar from not enough food, a generally crappy diet, worry about his mom, terminal silliness...whatever. I'm glad he's not my problem to solve for the rest of today.

Good stuff: the rodent babies are thriving, apparently Grandpa's condition is improving somewhat, and Sparky and I have nearly finished his Christmas jigsaw...

Now I hear yelling between the two male humans in the house. Wonder if I should intervene. Naah.

Days like this make me glad for many things. They also leave me feeling mildly nauseous.

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