Thursday, March 11, 2004

Gonna be a great day!

It's 7:50 a.m. and on the way to drop the boy off at school and to work after that, I got yelled at by a cop. There was an accident on one of the heavily-used country roads into town: emergency vehicles all over the place. Sparky told me about them as we approached (as if I couldn't see them!) and warned me to slow down. Of course, I was already. As we started to pass the first police car, the cop directing traffic yelled at me to SLOW DOWN!! Well, I couldn't be going all that fast: I was in first gear and following another car.

The worst part is that it was just what Sparky said, which meant he was right and I was wrong. Somehow I expect that may be happening more and more often in the future.... I hate being wrong. ;-)

On a lighter note, Sparky has discovered anti-perspirant (as opposed to anti-perspirant). It sounds cute when he says it, and I told him he sounds faintly British. Along the lines of vit.a.min (we say vi.ta.min) and garridge (we say garage). Oh, my favorite: geezer for geyser. Puts a whole new spin on Old Faithful. [giggle]

Btw, I'm not sure he actually needs to use the article itself. It was a freebie at their "health" talk in December, which in true American head-in-the-sand fashion was all about hair growth and body odor. Not once was sperm mentioned to the boys.... The girls got the whole schmear though, as there are a few who have already gotten their periods.

Time to get to work on the 30+ new books-on-CD, Fodor's Greece (which I'll spend 20 minutes leafing through wishing I could go back) and other continuations, 3 additions to sets of kids' books we have on standing order (countries, energy, American law "stuff"). And then the tipsy gift cart will get some attention: it is stacked 4 feet high.


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