Thursday, April 10, 2008

In the News

This has been a strange week in the local newspapers. There are the usual car wrecks, announcements about Burn Season (ok, it's a rural area), senior fairs, cute kids, arrests for general stupidity...

...and these three stories:
  1. A local elementary school principal was arrested out of state over the weekend for having sex with a high school girl. The details, as they are released in the paper, are beyond wacky. It's hard to keep a straight face, unfortunately, because a couple of the details just crack me up, including the comment from one girl involved that she thought they were watching Alv!n & the Ch!pmunks not the porn movie that was actually on the TV at the time.

    I know the story isn't funny. It's a fucking tragedy. And once again, it's hitting just a little too close to home in some freaky-deaky ways.

  2. A local doctor is going to jail because he was selling drugs and also videotaping patients having sex with him. Or something. It's confusing. It's more confusing that his specialty is feet.

  3. But this one is the one that just cracks me up and reminds me that People Are WEIRD! The fire department was called to a house fire. They had to cut through a chain that was attached to a support post in the basement to rescue someone. The other end of the chain was attached around his throat. Uh? He wasn't injured and said he was in that situation by his choice. I would pay serious money to have been in the firehouse after this call was over!!
Spring fever? Full moon? Water on the brain?

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