Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sports of varying types

Go PACK! I mean really: I never expected the Packers to be 4-0 at this point in this year's season. It's like a "pinch-me" season so far, a bonus added to the records Favre is setting.

Plus, the Browns won. AND the Bears lost.

If the Broncos could have gotten their act together, that would have been a 100% perfect football day for us. On the other hand, I just found out--ironically, from my British nephew's Facebook posting--that the Rockies have made it to the MLB playoffs.

This was a good intro to a busy week kicked off by a nuts day tomorrow: I have a ton of stuff to prep, last-minute, for a scrapbooking program I'm doing at the library in the evening, and I need to get the Session minutes all caught up so I can take them to a meeting and have them examined this month. Oh, and a mailing has to be made to go out this week to the youth group members.

I'd rather watch football games. Or sleep.

However, the afternoon wasn't a dead loss: I finally cleaned out ALL of my saved Bloglines posts. Instead of having something like 80 of them saved, I'm down to about 25, 16 of which are memes. The rest are personal-interest things to examine more closely. Soon.

My list of favorite authors is current through books published up to 2007.

And, in case you hadn't noticed, my eyes are no longer giving me giant nightmares. They aren't perfect, but they are functional and way more manageable. To celebrate, yesterday I went out and bought a heated mattress pad for our bed, a blanket for Sparky's bed, HUGE bath towels for Beast and me (with bamboo...why?), and very very cute shoes.
They're called "Poptart" in brown houndstooth. I will giggle whenever I think of that!

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