And then she chose me as one of her five people to honor with this:

I've taken a week, I'm going on vacation soon, and I really want this done before I leave. A side issue is that the day before Ms. V nominated me, someone else nominated me on my memes blog, so I actually have to come up with #*%$&! TEN different women I love, which still eliminates about 40 others that I also love.
Enter the dartboard. Here are the five that have been
Miss Information: There are days when I swear to GOD I work with this woman. There are things she writes about that make me wonder if I'm blogging in my sleep, and I am Miss I.--because the SAME THING just happened to me! But then I realize that I don't have a clue what Corpse Pose is. Damn, she's funny. Just please, take my word for it: if you use her library, do not piss her off. She could erupt at any second. I don't think they'd let her blog from jail.OK, I love the rest of you women bloggers, too. I can't help where the darts landed.
Cheese: If Presbyterians had gurus, Cheese would be mine. She's a mom, she's a pastor, and she's a confirmed shoe-a-holic. She struggles, but her faith underpins her soul so clearly that even in the prosaic annoyances, she knows the God is there for her. She couldn't believe how much I look forward to reading the sermons she posts, or her discussions with Siggy, or the latest goofball idea the staff at her church has come up with. It makes me realize that as screwy as my church is, I'm not alone. And thank God I'm not the pastor!!
Molly. You want honesty? You want practicality? You want amazing photos? You want truthiness? You want hugs? Enough already. All you need is to adopt Molly as a stand-in older sister/aunt. She's also fun if you like to play with words, need something translated into Italian, or want to know what living as an ex-pat is really like without dwelling on the ex-pat-ness.
Diana: OK, I fudged a little. Diana was on the list before I threw any darts. This is Diana's first all-girl, all-the-time week. I think she has the strongest character of anyone I've never met. At an age when a lot of people are winding down their careers and their lives, settling into a caricature of someone they've become by default, Diana has faced down fate and decided that she wants to be who she is inside instead of "settling." She got her ears pierced last week. Because, well, a lot of women have pierced ears. Just go read her blog. And stop whining about what you can't do. Because, yes you can.
Amy: She makes me laugh. She makes me cry. She makes me want to hit things, or people. She keeps me from hitting things, or people, because I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. I keep forgetting she's blonde, and she's smarter than me, dammit, and waaaayy more complicated. In a good way. Did I mention funny? Oy. Who else do I know who would get a joke about dialectics? Plus, I have a get-outta-jail-free card from her. Literally. And no, Miss I. can't use it!
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