Friday, June 22, 2007

Family update

No, I didn't call Mom. Tomorrow. I PROMISE!

Jean and Reg have arrived in Colorado. They are here ostensibly for Elizabeth's wedding, but right now they are visiting with Mom and Marie for a few days. Seeing them is going to be...difficult. Suck it up, girl.

My brother actually emailed me asking what Sparky's tie looks like. Since the two of them are ushering, I think he wants to not clash. Sparky now has a sports coat (did I mention that before?) and a second-hand tie with purple in it. It's actually very pretty. I need to take that and Beast's sport (not "spork") coat to the cleaner's tomorrow. Details.

Just got off the phone with Katherine. I haven't talked to her in almost two months, and wanted to touch base about jewelry for the wedding since we will be standing next to each other. Her shoes are higher, she says, so I won't be totally towering over her. Speaking of which, here's my shoes:
Aren't they cute? And very Presbyterian? I will definitely need to change the nail polish, won't I?

Anyway, so yeah, I also asked how Katherine is feeling. She had the last dialysis in Colorado in March where her port crapped out on her (pun sorta intended). The nephrologist said she was probably ok to stop getting the treatments since her numbers had been dropping pretty steadily. Unfortunately, they have since leveled off, so she probably will have to have a transplant at some point in the future, within 4 or 5 years. Her doctor will make a final decision on that sometime soon and get her listed on the transplant list if he thinks it's appropriate. Her ob/gyn is recommending that she not get pregnant again, though the specialty ob/gyn is less negative. So they are talking about surrogacy, adoption, etc. That's a lot to deal with in the first two years of a marriage.

Beast is golfing tomorrow. Unless it rains. Which it seems to be likely to do all day. A good day for me to work.

Sparky's tentative schedule for high school came in the mail yesterday. He did not get into Honors English. Here's the gist of it:
Period 1 -- Concert Band -- 1st semester
Period 1 -- Concert Band -- 2nd semester
Period 2 -- Honors Geometry -- 1st semester
Period 2 -- Honors Geometry -- 2nd semester
Period 3 -- German I -- 1st semester
Period 3 -- German I -- 2nd semester
Period 4 -- Lunch -- 1st semester *
Period 5/6 -- World History -- 1st semester
Period 5/6 -- World History -- 2nd semester
Period 7/8 -- Biology -- 1st semester
Period 7/8 -- Biology -- 2nd semester
Period 9 -- Fall PE -- 1st semester #
Period 9 -- Spring PE -- 2nd semester #
Period 10 -- Freshman English -- 1st semester
Period 10 -- Freshman English -- 3rd quarter ^
Period 10 -- Freshman English -- 4th quarter ^
* I would assume that they'll let him eat lunch both semesters.... {g}
# We definitely would not want to have these reversed, would we??
^ Don't ask; I have no idea why these are split. I'm sure we'll find out.
And that's the news from my life, where all the women are slightly insane, all the men are asleep, and all the children are living in someone else's house.

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