Friday, May 18, 2007

When my niece Katherine was here a couple of weeks ago, we settled on tomorrow as a day to go shopping for shoes for her sister's wedding in July. It really won't take long; we don't have to have them dyed. But we want them to be the same color at least.

So. I can't go.

Because my WONDERFUL, BRILLIANT child, who has been working on a GINORMOUS project at school for the past ten weeks. He just realized, after some major prodding from me this afternoon, that he has to create a tri-fold display (he know about that), a brochure, a fact/information sheet, and a book of approximately twenty captioned pictures, and finish writing and practicing his presentation before next Tuesday. The report is turned in. I never saw it. Hope he did it right, since he didn't bother to recheck the assignment sheet--which had the info on the rest of the stuff listed above--until about 4:45 this afternoon.

Plus, he has to finish building a rocket out of a 2-liter pop bottle by Monday morning. He has no actual idea when that's due: "Monday, or maybe Tuesday or Wednesday."

Beast isn't feeling good tonight, and he's got his first golf outing of the summer tomorrow morning.

Sparky and I will be spending the morning (at least) back at the library--better printers, better layout programs, etc.--and I will be trying NOT to do the work for him.

If he can get his act together relatively quickly, Katherine and I could still meet in the afternoon, but it will be so freakin' busy at the mall by then I'm less than enthusiastic about that. Maybe if she goes to a DSW near her, and I go to one near me and we consult that way....

This MAY be a sign that I have too freakin' much going on.

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