Monday, May 07, 2007


You know how in every family, there are the losers and the finders?

I'm the loser in my household, and it looks as if Sparky is following in my footsteps, poor kid.

I got out the checkbook this morning so I could take it to school...long story.... I did my errands this morning, but realized partway through that I'd forgotten the checkbook and the letter that was with it.

I've been home for 45 minutes and I've looked everywhere I can think of for it, inside and outside the house. Where the FUCK did I set it down??

Such a loser.

Of course, the finder--i.e., Beast--is out of town.

My mom always said I'd go off without my head if it wasn't attached. She wasn't kidding.

Sparky came home from school at 4:00 and within ten minutes had found the checkbook in the first place he looked (between the seats in the truck), thus saving me from having to call Beast wailing and sobbing. I love my kid. But I'm a dork.

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