Saturday, April 21, 2007

To-Do, tada

  • Update book blog finally done after almost a month of ignoring it! 8:10 a.m.
  • Return library books done 12:15
  • Shop for sport coat/tie/nice slacks for Sparky (for dance/graduation/confirmation/wedding) found a shirt and tie, but couldn't match the suits with slacks that matched...too cheap to buy new...he can wear his "band concert" pants with a dress shirt and tie....feh...done 1:00
  • Grocery store (list and shop) list done--9; shopping done--2:00
  • Put away two weeks' worth of clean laundry done--3:30
  • *Received call that TODAY is the day the dude is delivering more fireplace wood, which means that I'm sort of trapped till he's done he called--8:30; still delivering--11:15
  • Wash up non-dishwasher dishes done 10:30
  • Type up and send out Session minutes discovered/remembered that, since I wasn't there last month, I don't have to do this! yowza 9:30
  • Return calls (about five) and also call dance subcom about paper can't find message sheet, going from memory...all but dance stuff done 11:30
  • Call in Rx done 11:00
  • Buy and ship gift for Elizabeth's bridal shower next week done; I got her this and this and hopefully they'll get there in time... 9:30
  • Dinner and RoP concert at church FABulous!!
Beast is taking the day for golf (which is fine, I hasten to add). I woke up at 5:30 this morning and simply couldn't get back to sleep, even though I really wanted to get another couple of hours. Huh. Yuck.

I work tomorrow afternoon. Blearghhhhh. So much for my weekend.

At least the sun is shining, and I'll be out in it part of the day. Three fun/good things:
  1. Our subdivision has a functional website, AND a newsletter. How bad are things when this is a cause for celebration! OK, it's only been three-plus years since we moved here, and subdivision has existed for around 6 years, so it's about time.

  2. I'm hoping to angle my way into helping "wow up" our church website with more content: blogs, links, RSS, etc.

  3. My review yesterday went well. My average 'grade' was about 4.2 out of 5 possible points. To get anything approaching a 5, I think you pretty much have to single-handedly save the building from burning down or do kung-fu with the weirdo-patrons on a weekly basis. Most of the time people are rated a solid 3 to 3.5 so anytime I go over 4 I'm pleased. I was also told, explicitly, that my boss doesn't expect me to catch up on cataloging for 'several months.' Like...August. Woo-hoo. Not that I won't continue to obsess, but it does take some of the pressure off.
And now I'm going to get dressed, having been up for almost 3 hours.
* It's a high school kid in our subdiv who is doing this. He is filling his (dad's) lawn trailer and driving the mower here. Unfortunately, he lives at the furthest point from us in the subdiv., about a mile away. And he can only get about 1/4 of the load in the trailer at a time. So, back and forth. Plus he has a broken arm. It's rather humorous, but I feel sorry for him, so Sparky is helping him unload.

(Updated @ 11:15 a.m., 2:30, and 11:00 p.m.)

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