Monday, April 30, 2007


I love this time of year, I really do. The best part is low, or non-existent, humidity with warm temps.

But one problem with April and May is pajamas. Winter-weight? Or summer? Or half of each? I went to bed last night with my winter jammies on, but got up after 20 minutes and got out the top of the summer jammies I bought last week. It's a tank top (and says, "I've got enough friends already"). So I slept last night in a tank top and flannel pajama bottoms.

Because it is supposed to be near 70 most of this week, we did take the rash step of removing the blanket from the bed when we made it this weekend. Now it's just a sheet and a quilt. We'll see how that works out.

All this talk of bed....I just want to crawl in it and take a nap. Unfortunately, I have to go to the grocery store. Bummer. Yawn.

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