Saturday, April 14, 2007


You know that thing used at grocery stores to separate your groceries from the person behind or in front of you? Whose job is it to place it between piles of food? The person in front? The person behind? Is it too much to ask to get it out and put it in place after you've dumped all your chips and Lean Cuisines and kumquats so I can unload my food? Because, see, the person at the rear of the line can't reach it.

I was at work today from 8:45 until 6:30. I was scheduled on public desks for 4 of the 7 hours I was supposed to work today. I got 27 books and 19 Playaways cataloged. Just can't get ahead. So annoying.

Karma is biting me in the ass. My mom has bitched for years about the fact that I "never write, never call." Now I'm on the other end of that with someone. Yes, I could do the writing, and/or calling. But it's not my story to tell, just one of the many potential listening ears.

Our church: we can't use one of our driveways. The local roads department (long story) has posted it Emergency Exit Only, chained it, and now driven a post in the middle so no one can drive under, or over, the chain. This is illegal: we're in the right, we have letters and documents to that effect, as well as letters and documents from the road dude saying he wouldn't stand in our way when the building was built. So we are going to court. We got our pictures taken last Sunday (Easter) by some of the people who live in the subdivision where this driveway leads. Anyone using the driveway last weekend, including me when I walked down it, including Beast when he turned around using our driveway, is on film. It's insane. It's totally crazy.

I love Beast. He makes me laugh at stupid stuff. I need to laugh at stupid stuff more often. He also does laundry and pays the bills and makes dinner. And he's smart, so when I call and ask him some kind of flaky science- or computer-related reference question he almost always knows the answer, or how to find it.

For the first time in a long time, I'm actually kind of excited about worship tomorrow. OK, I was excited about last weekend, but I'm usually pretty stoked on holidays. This is just a normal Sunday, which--if I had a functional memory--I could preview the topic, but I can't remember what we talked about at Bible Study on Wednesday morning. Loser.

I'll end on the net result of my watching commercials and part of Poltergeist on Telemundo tonight: "Chi-wow-WOW!" and a burst of cackling.

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