Thursday, April 12, 2007

...dying a little....

Today's schedule:

5:50 Alarm goes off, but I've been dozing for at least half an hour because yesterday I somehow slept through the radio (which is Really Loud, to keep me from falling back to much for that!)

6:00 I can't listen to these moronic morning DJs anymore! So I throw off the covers and head for the closet

6:03 Having hung up yesterday's discarded slacks and thrown yesterday's sweater in the laundry basket and retrieved all the socks I've thrown everywhere to stack in their own little pile...I start looking for clothes. Hmm, my tan slacks have disappeared. OK, so how about blue GV jeans? And what top? Why is getting dressed so hard some days?

6:05 On goes the shower. In goes the Cat. Lovely warm water...the best part of the day! So far.

6:20 I've changed my mind about the top. Can't find my black camisole..maybe I should put away last weekend's clean laundry?...oops, yep, there it is in with the clean shirts! I'm dressed, my hair is combed out and still wet, and I head downstairs. Sparky is in the shower in the hall.

6:25 Bagel, untoasted. The last of the cream cheese. The laptop is warming up. I pop the top on my DP and get out a vitamin and an Allegra

6:30 Sparky arrives in the living room. We talk. He eats. I eat. I meme. I check email and Bloglines.

7:10 Sparky is on the PC and I go turn on the curling iron and start getting my hair dried the rest of the way.

7:20 Sparky comes up to tell me he's not leaving for 15 minutes. Ooooo-kayyyyyy....? Oh, yeah, and he's bringing a baby home next Wednesday for two nights. It's for homework. More later on this.

7:30 I'm trying to find a matching pair of trouser sox. It's only 9 hours later that I realize the ones I finally found are BROWN, not gray. I hate mornings like this.

7:40 We are both out of the house. Sparky's at the bus stop. I'm driving down the hill. I reject the idea of emptying the book drop on my way into town.

7:45 I always forget that if I leave after 7:30, traffic is all balled up.

7:58 I pull into the last staff parking spot. I slosh through the slop, grab a DP out of the staff fridge and head to the staff meeting. Lotsa staff stuff this morning.

9:15 The staff meeting is over. I turn on my computer to check email (off the clock) and so forth and CT decides she has to teach me, again, how to take the security locks off the Playaways. "Not right now!" She stalks off.

9:55 I rush out with a plastic treasure chest full of last summer's reading program decor, heading to Starbucks to meet the other women on my subcommittee for the 8th-grade dance.

10:15 I'm trying to figure out how to call either of the women, whose numbers I don't have with me, when they finally arrive. No parking to be found, so they both had to walk a couple of blocks.

11:10 We have nailed this down and are going to rock the gym. Hah!! HAH, I say.

11:15 I check at the bookstore next door. Yes, Sparky is on the pre-order list for Harry Potter.

11:20 Walgreen's for Rx.

11:30 I have a Whopper Jr. in my truck and I'm not afraid to eat it! In the park. Looking at the glop that fell out of the sky yesterday.

11:55 My 'real' shift starts at work. I'm actually early for a change!

12:02 This might be when most of my brain fell out and scuttled away under a desk.

I have no memory of the next four hours, except that Beast called to say that he just found out that he's supposed to be getting four weeks of vacation time per year....since 2004. Which he hasn't received, because he didn't know. So, he's happy but pissed. Interesting combination. Oh, and I had a long IM session with my Elizabeth my niece, and replied to a really snotty email...which I'll post some other time because it really is a piece of work. Speaking of work....? No clue.

2:30 or thereabouts I notice I'm really lightheaded and rather nauseous. Nerves? Stress? Tiredness? Too much caffeine? Too much sugar??

3:45 Head out to pick up Sparky from school

4:05 Driving thru at KFC for dinner for Sparky, and me, I guess

4:20 Back at work...and the rest of my brain is now cottage cheese. Speaking of cheese, the mac'n'chee was good. Time for a brownie. I am the poster child for crappy food today.

I've never seen the UPS guy work so hard bringing books in. We end up with...uhm, about 15 cartons of books. Box Lady starts a THIRD full size CART for me. Ffffuuuuuccck.

5:15 Sparky returns to pick up his dinner and go reheat it in the staff room. The laptop he was using this afternoon (that's our Thursday program for teens: free time on the library's laptops) wasn't working, so now he's using a staff computer. I'm sure he's Runescaping. Oh, well.

5:30 I'm still dizzy/lightheaded. Sparky is IMing me from the next cube.

Sometime around 6 or so, he will head over to our old church--on foot--to meet his dad. Beast has a finance committee meeting there, and then the committee is packing up their office to be moved to the new building.

7:30 I'm at the Reference Desk because Schedule Nazi "has to" attend the board meeting. Why? No clue, but she does. Not like I have anything to do. Actually, to be honest, I probably shouldn't be cataloging at this point anyway! Or answering reference questions, but oh, well.

9:00 I get to go home. Hopefully, I'll have just enough brain cells left to drive safely. Or I'll have to sleep under my desk.

I don't work tomorrow. This is clear proof that God must exist, and love me, because there's no way I could work tomorrow! Yawn.

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