Friday, March 09, 2007

Sitemeter, and Stuff

Since I've been staring at them all week, vacillating between panic and hysteria...I figured I'd share some of the semi-interesting (to me, anyway) site stats:

    • Lots of you get here via Bloglines. L-O-T-S of you. I'm starting to recognize your subscription numbers....

    • MORE people, however, find me by doing Next Blog inside Blogger. You come from some really weird places, too, mostly ones I have no intention of publicizing.

    • Thanks for checking out other people's Deep Thoughts today :-)

    • A convicted sex criminal whose story I posted over 2 years ago. I'm clearing his name, and not posting it again here.

    • Palmistry? I took the picture out of the post. So sorry...go away. All of you that keep looking for it. Go. SCAT!

    • Middle short hair. This is a regular search that I've questioned in the past. Go to a freakin' hair website, not a blog...especially not one on the second page of your search results!

    • basenji revolution--WTF...not here. If the basenjis are staging a revolution, it hasn't made it to my little town.

    • Yesterday's discovery of Beast's aunt's family name preceded by John (not a known relative, but probably on the tree somewhere), and Beast's aunt's name in full (yipes!). Apparently, I missed an earlier occurrence of John from a few days ago, too. Bummer.

    • simply red i know much is true sun of my soul--uhm, well, I'll give this a pass since it came from Russia, but yow....

    • spaghetti dinner disgusting--wrong! My spaghetti dinners are NOT disgusting!

    • Lyrics to Moe's "Spine of a Dog" (which were typed in as a search string I'm too lazy to copy)

    • monster m8O energy drink. OK, here's the thing: I looked for 5 pages and didn't find myself in this search. I don't drink quote-energy drinks-quote. Go hang with the palmistry people somewhere else!

    • OK, who is forwarding my URL in your Yahoo email? Cut it out! You're making me nervous. Also, those of you using Comcast email.

    • fingertips hurt with cold symptoms--perhaps you should go to WebMD and do this search....?

    • Meebo, from Technorati. Yes, I'm using it. Right now, even.

    • Also from Technorati, a search for "men's vogue" heh. Here is probably not where you want to be.

    • illiberal schmucks--ditto. You're needed somewhere else.

    • Handsful or handfuls? Well, clearly, in the snip in Google, I don't know!

    • "mother's revenge" preggo....very proud to see that I am the only hit for this in Google.... Someone in Scappoose, Oregon is weird.

    • DinnerbyDesign. They rock. And they've saved my sanity.

    • vice versa vicey versey Get. A. Life.

    • Black Sabbath. Yeah. My favorite band. ROCKANDROLL! Or, yeah, maybe not. Kinda goes with this next one, though....

    • The ever popular he@dsh0ps in Denver. I must be the best non-source website for this information on the internet. I'm so proud. This makes me double over with laughter whenever it shows up. The kicker is that this time the searcher was in my home town. ;-)
Based on the past month's traffic, I should have over 550 visitors in the next month.

More people visit my site from "unknown" locations than from South American locations

71% of you visit using various incarnations of IE

The average visit length is just under 90 seconds. You guys read fast!

I'm tireder than I've been in a long time. Tomorrow I'm going to my very first Presbytery Meeting. The thrill, the joy. Here's the docket:
9:00 a.m. Registration and Networks and Partnerships Center

10:00 a.m. Opening Activities : Convening Prayer / Adoption of Docket / Stated Clerk’s Report / Approval of Minutes / Orientation to the Meeting / New Elders & Pastors Introduced

10:15 a.m. Worship

11:15 a.m. Report from Task Force on Configuration of the Stated Clerk / Treasurer Offices

11:25 a.m. BAC-Part 1

11:30 a.m. Lunch and Networks & Partnerships Center

12:30 p.m. [. . .] learning opportunity with Rev. [. . .]

2:00 p.m. Life Together (Business Plenary Session) : Business brought before the Presbytery for action -- BAC COM NOMINATING MSRB TRUSTEES

2:45 p.m. Kenya Partnership Report

3:05 p.m. New and Unfinished Business

3:10 p.m. Adjourn with Prayer
It's a two-hour round-trip drive to the meeting location. I will be gone approximately 9 hours. Don't ask me what the acronyms and abbreviations mean; I have no clue. I really think doing this should exempt me from church on Sunday, especially with the time change Sat night/Sun morning.

I'm going to bed. It's not even 9, I've already taken a lengthy bath. All I need to do is take my pills, set the alarm and sleep.

Beast is watching "Jackass." I have never understood what the attraction is with that show.

Good night.

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