Monday, March 05, 2007

I'm too old for this

While I am indeed honored to be invited to stand up in my niece Elizabeth's wedding, I'm totally NOT into the whole hoo-haw over clothing. Today I'm going shopping with Katherine for our dresses. They are not to be blue, but lavendar/lilac, and shorter skirts rather than ankle-length.

I'm bored already.

And I don't like any of the tops very much, though it is fun to play 'paper dolls' on the website and mix-and-match tops and skirts. More fun than trying them all on, for sure.

The things we do for love. [thank you, 10cc]

I'd probably be more into this if the temperature wasn't stuck below freezing for the millionth day in a row. Oh how I'm loathing winter this year.....

OK, enough ranting, whining and griping. Time to go wash my hair and find something to wear that is appropriate for trying on wedding gear (i.e., easy-on and -off).

Silver lining: It will be good to see Katherine again and check up on her progress. She's still having dialysis 3 times a week. Sigh.

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