Thursday, January 04, 2007

Two things

One is serious. One is not.
  • If I so much as hear one word from any of my Colorado relatives about a drought this year, I'm going to smack them (or hang up on them, as the case may be). The weather is CRAZY this winter!!

  • In my wandering this morning through Bloglines, I came across a link to this site about choosing a word for the year in lieu of making a resolution. Right up my alley; I can do a word. Apparently my word for the past decade has been "patience." I'm better, but not that good. It's a flaw at the genetic level, I assure you, having watched my family interact this week (and previously). I'm NOT choosing "patience" this year. I'll have to think about what I am doing...maybe I won't tell at all....until the end of the year....
My niece is recovering, slowly. Life is going on, weirdly.

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