Monday, October 30, 2006



This weekend was absolutely wonderful! Good for every part of me that needed a break from the armpit-life I've been living...

I worked, but for the first day in awhile, I felt like I got buckets of work done. I cataloged (YAY!), I entered a Demand order, I cataloged more (YAY!), and I did pre-order cards for our December "newsletter." Granted, I left a pile of paper to be dealt with Tuesday, but it really was all stuff I couldn't do anything about until this week. This is why I like working Saturdays so much: I actually get work done!

Oh. And I got a really good lunch, too, at the G. Garden. As a result, I have leftovers for two lunch this week. Chinese food is good that way....tho' technically, I had Mongolian Chicken. Sparky informed us that he doesn't remember ever eating there except on Christmas Eve. Can that be true?
I woke up early and had plenty of time to get to Sunday School, which was good since I hadn't really planned a lesson at all. Got that figured out, and then was ready to walk out when Beast woke up to say, "Did you change the clocks upstairs?" No. So I had an hour to kill.

We went to Starbucks for Sunday School where we saw two confirmands and their mentors having their meetings, and over the course of the hour also ran into the parents of 4 other 8th grade students, not members of our church but people I know. The Methodist middle-school (?) class came over as well. Starbucks was making all kinds of church money!

After walking back to church, I headed home, changed into jeans and we headed to the Really Freaking Big City to meet up with Beast's brother, BIL. He was in town for the weekend at an Amnesty International planning meeting. It was kind of fun doing tourist things: we checked out the skydeck of this really big building whose name you'd all recognize because it's that famous for being big, and we went out onto the pier. Or Pier. We missed the bean again. Someday.... Yeah. But we got Beast to ride the Ferris wheel!

The weather yesterday was absolutely fantastic, there were no crowds on the streets, the wind was under control, and it was just a perfect day.

We ate at a very nice restaurant on the Pier--the kind where we asked if it was ok that we were in jeans. Yipes. Poor Sparky: he didn't know what to order since we've discussed (in the past) looking over the whole menu and picking something at the lower end of the price ladder. He really wanted lobster (hah!), but we (I) talked him into swordfish with "crab meat and hollandaise sauce...on a bed of asparagus and ...banana potatoes." It was ok but he managed to finish every bite. I had haddock with crab (stuffed with it, maybe?) on asparagus and (potatoes?) in pernod-lobster sauce; very rich, very filling, so unfortunately I ate only half. Beast had a steak. BIL had linguine with scallops and mushrooms "in tomato cognac cream sauce." And the discussion revolved around the health-care issues of my in-laws and Alzheimer's. Not the best conversation, so it was good that the food was wonderful!

Then we walked back to BIL's hotel, which is the same hotel I stayed in when I visited the city for the first time 14 years ago while pregnant with Sparky. It has changed hands and is now a very funky sort of 'hipster' place. The bathrooms in the lobby were...unusual.... As I walked past the men's room, I overheard a man saying, "You can see into the women's restroom..." Yes. Through the mirrors over the sinks. Bizarre.

Home. Bath. Bed. Sleep.
Unfortunately, my internal clock is all messed up from the time change, so I woke up at 5 worrying about our church fundraiser and that was it for me in terms of sleep. I think I fell asleep around midnight; perhaps I'll have time for a nap later....

Really, this weekend could not have been more medicinal for my mental health.

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