Friday, October 13, 2006

Thank goodness for U-Pop

The reports are sent. It took me about 3 hours to input them, and included the development of a raging eyestrain headache, not to mention a great deal of confusion and talking to myself. Whatever. Outta my hands now.

Beast is back 'in town' (he's actually at work 30 minutes from our town, but anyway). He hit rush hour in Indianapolis, but the rest of the trip was fine, if windy.

And I think U-Pop saved my sanity today. Nothing like a little brain-dead pop music in French and Portuguese to accompany writing things like this:
Our Interlibrary Loan generic barcodes didn’t get mapped; all boxes are marked “Unknown.” Most of the time, we use [our state ILL software] and import the home library’s barcode so I’m not sure how that will work in [New Software Company] . But for those unusual times when we can’t use the item’s barcode we’ll need these generics.

There should be two choices in them, but right now we just have one. We may have to move some of them after we go live? I’m not sure.

Anyway, we’ll be using:
Type = ILL-Book OR ILL-AV
Location = ILL
Cat1 = ILL-Book OR ILL-AV
Cat2 = All

I think someone else has mentioned that the E-Audio and Ebook call numbers are messed up.

So are our magazines, e.g.:
Highlights for children: XX(250089.1569)zv.59 no. 645 July 2005
People in espanol: XX(1040695.185)zv.7 no. 9 Nov. 2005

I checked four or five other titles and they are all equally incomprehensible.

These need to be changed and I don’t have the first clue how to map them to make the change!
or (there are lots similar to this)
Parenting videos are in the wrong Cat1 and Location. Correct coding is:
Type = Videoshort
Location = Child-AV
Cat1 = Parenting
Cat2 = Adult
I'm pretty sure that's clear as mud to everyone, eh? It sure is to me.

So, I'm off in 10 minutes to pick up Sparky and thence to meet Beast at the car-rental place to turn in the GIANT car (SUV) he had this week to carry all the crap he needed for the trade show.

I still have a headache.

But I also took a break and went to renew my driver's license. The picture actually looks like a sane version of me! Maybe you just need to go on a shittyass day for it to turn out ok. Hint: go on Friday at 1 p.m. There's no one else there: no line, no took me 15 minutes door-to-door.

And, hey, when did rappers start calling their mobile phones "cellies"? It just makes me giggle.

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