Friday, October 13, 2006

Avoiding work...

...which consists of sending about 3 dozen "I found a problem in the database" notes via email. From my couch. Which is the silver lining, along with the fact that once I get them done, I don't have another 'go' at this until December. Who planned these times, by the way? December??

OK, but anyway.
Let's take a little fantasy vacation. Let's pretend we work for a 'typical' corporate entity, one that sells, say.....widgets. Now imagine that you're out at a nice-ish restaurant with customers, or vendors--you pick which you'd prefer but either way you're not picking up the bill. You may or may not have brought your spouse to dinner. The host is a genial, apparently professional man in his mid-50s. Most of the people at the table are men, but there are women with you, and in the vicinity at other tables. It's a schmooze-fest, everyone chatting over a couple of $25 bottles of wine, looking over the menu, ordering your $30/plate entrees from the waitress...who seems a slightly frazzled or at least new to her job. It's all very relaxed and mellow.

The waitress--we'll call her Sandy--approaches the table and your host asks her a question. She doesn't know/can't figure out what he means/spills a little of his G&T on the table as she sets it down...commits a minor faux pas of some sort and immediately tries to remedy the situation, leaving to ask the chef to find out the answer, for instance. As she steps away from the table, you hear your host mutter loud enough for at least your table and probably Sandy to hear, "Bitch." OK? What do you do now?


Sandy comes back, bringing food/drinks/answers/solutions/whatever, checks to make sure everyone is set up, and walks away again. Your host then mutters at the same decibal level as before, "What a twat. The service here is awful. Stupid bitch."

Now what do you do?
OK, it's not the usual imaginary trip. I'm not a real member of True Corporate America--that is, I don't sell OR buy widgets, and it's unusual for a work-related meal to have mostly men at the table at my level in my field. So I'm curious to know if my reaction is appropriate.

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