Thursday, October 26, 2006

Semi-guest post (sort of)

Actually, I'm posting this because it was recently removed from someone else's blog. I contacted the author to ask if I could repost it because I feel it's worth having around for a couple of reasons: 1) it's true, and 2) it's funny and well-written.
Would it be rude and judgmental, not to mention unprofessional and unkindly stereotyping, to say that brand-spanking-new PhD faculty run around for the first semester in a state of perpetual hysteria? And that they are incapable of understanding the differences between the institution that they now work for and Giganto State University from which they got their aforementioned PhD? And that their service expectations from what they rather snobbily see as the campus colleagues who are below them in importance are unreasonable?

Because if itÂ’s rude,judgmentall, unprofessional, or stereotyping, I won't say it.

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