Monday, October 23, 2006

Random news

  • Which leads me to the first not-very-new news: what would you call that thing at the left end of this line? All I've EVER heard them called is bullets. Apparently, that is no longer PC, among the lefties...stupid lefties, the ones with no brains, the ones who wanted to change "history" to something less male-centric a couple of decades ago. [Yes, I am a leftie, and a feminist, too.]

  • It was a two-party weekend for us. I can't even remember when that happened before. Saturday was a stand-out-in-the-cold (and-eventually-rain) chili cookoff party at a neighbor's house. Fun. We got to see loads of people, and the kids didn't mind getting soaked. Sparky's fleece jacket is still wet. Cuz, well, he's too goofy to put on a nylon jacket or anorak! Sunday's party was a grown-up Open House with yummy food of all kinds, including American-version dolmades...mmmm... It was good to meet Sir Drew and the rest of the cast of thousands, as well as The Well-Hidden Secret Sorta Boyfriend-Otherwise-Known-As-Dorkface (when he's in the doghouse).

  • I need to make four phone calls today: to my doctor for referrals for the allergist, to the greens supply place to order a gigantoid shipment of Christmas greenery, to my niece about this bloody shower, and a teleconference.

  • I'm not dressed yet--still in jammies. I love Mondays!

  • Sparky has attempted to give me his cold, but I've taken 3000 mg of Vitamin C the past two days, so I'm hoping that at least ameliorates the worst of it.

  • I found out last week that I have 108 vacation/holiday hours left for the year. After subtracting the actual holidays from that, it leaves me with over 13 days off to burn. So I have sent an email off to the Schedule Nazi with my requests.

  • My laptop battery is completely drained, after being fully charged when I turned it on this morning. This message just popped up:
    Low Battery
    You should change your battery or switch to outlet power immediately or your work may be lost.

  • That seems to be a sign that I should go brush my hair and change into daytime clothes. Au revoir.

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