Monday, October 09, 2006

Life is just like that

So, yeah, I write a long paean to bloggers. Then I check my Bloglines and for the first time in probably 8 months read a post that caused me to delete someone from my blogroll.

Let's just say that telling everyone how you are the same size you were at 21 because you only eat 1200 calories a day, while also telling those of us who don't have "SKINNY-BITCH" as a priority item on our Life's To-Do list that we SUCK and are FAT, LAZY, and SELF-CENTERED (oh please, who is self-centered here with your repetitous chant of how HARD you've worked every day to be a former-size-10-now-size-6?). This is not a way to make me ever read any more of your stupid, whiny-ass, bitchy rants. Age is a factor here: this is not a newbie youngster.

But this raises another good thing about blogs: you can delete them from your life much more easily than you can delete obnoxious coworkers, irritating neighbors, and tiresome family members. It's positively cathartic.

Remind me not to praise a venue wholeheartedly again. I should know better.

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