Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hit the ground running

Here's my schedule for today and tomorrow:

  • Up at 6:45 to get ready for work. I could wait and get up at 7 or so but I like to be awake enough to talk to him even though I'm leaving a half hour later than usual today.
  • Prep for work (can't find the right clothes/shoes/hairstyle) then sit down with laptop to do morning stuff there
  • Finish getting ready for work (late) and zoom out of house at 8:10, stopping for a bottle of pop that I hope gets me through the meeting in The Big City to the West
  • Drive to said meeting, arriving at 9:25 (whew)
  • Meeting about FuckingSirsi (get used to it people; it's my new nickname for the merger); actually, today is training day. We are told multiple times, after we are shown something, "But you'll never need to use this..." WTF?
    MAS appears in the doorway briefly towards the end of the day. That's enough. That's plenty!
    Amy and I have a lovely lunch at Chili's, which we survive unsplattered. WE even make it back to the second half of training more-or-less on time. Somehow. We also solve all the world's interpersonal problems. No thanks are necessary, really....
  • Meeting over, at 4:25 I begin the drive back to work, stopping at DQ for dinner (a malt)
  • Arrive at work at 5:40, chat briefly with boss and less briefly with Beast (on the phone)
  • Settle at desk and begin to work; discover SuperPage has returned yet again (like a bad penny, he just keeps turning up...but he's bad in a good way) and that means I don't have to sit at the Ref Desk tonight after all, unless he needs help with something. Hurrah! [he's not on the list of My Co-Workers because he isn''s confusing...I'll add him later]
  • Catalog to my heart's content (one hopes--since I'm writing this halfway through the evening)
  • Help close the library at 9 and drive home, arriving by 9:30
  • Beast may very well be in bed asleep. Rough week for him, full of long and very intense days.
  • I hope to be in bed by 10:30 at the latest
  • Up at 6ish to shower and prep for work [see yesterday]
  • Out of the house at 7:30 with Sparky--he to bus stop, I to work
  • Arrive by 8. I'm on the Ref Desk for two hours on Fridays, so I try to get some solid work done between 8 and 11 a.m. when my day starts getting chopped fine
  • Lunch, probably at desk
  • Plotzing: reference shifts and fire-fighting ["Problem? Ask Cat; she'll know!" Fuck]
  • Pick Sparky up from school at 4 and bring him back to work OR Sparky rides bus home and Beast will bring him back to town later
  • I finish working at 5 and head to church
  • Youth group fundraiser/Wedding rehearsal commences at 5:30. Hopefully we'll have a few kids there to do this. (I'm trying NOT to freak about it! What happens, happens.)
  • Dinner begins at 6:30ish.
  • Cleanup is done by 8? I hope?
  • We might make it home by 8:30? Or 9 at the latest.
  • Maybe I'll be in bed asleep by 11....
I think Saturday is our Sabbath. We might actually be able to rest a bit. I hate weeks like this, but I hear a little voice (it's my mom) in the back of my head saying, "You'll look back on these kinds of things with fondness." I hope she's right! I'm tired just thinking about it.

And, now that I think about it, Saturday WON'T be a day of rest: I have to rediscover the kitchen counter, sort church and school calendars into the "official Mom calendar" and catch up my book blog (I'm 6 books behind!). Oh, well. Rest, like sleep, is overrated.

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