Saturday, August 26, 2006

Lazy Saturday

So, we've unloaded the Z-ster back on his family, emptied the garage and basement of dead furniture and mowed the lawn...ok, that's what Beast has done. And he paid the bills. And he's doing the laundry.

I've cleared the kitchen counter, washed all the silverware--long story--sorted all the crap from the kitchen into somewhat orderly (and much smaller) piles of "to do" things, and entered dates into my calendar. I have stuff I need to take to work in my work bag, our college reunion stuff and Sparky's confirmation retreat info in the "please pay!" bill pile for next time....and I just finished my part of tomorrow's worship service. I have a plan for dinner, a plan for tomorrow for shopping, and a kind-of plan for the next couple of weeks.

I also have 9 magazines to read, everything from the August "American Libraries" to "Campus Life's Christian College" issue, to last week's "Entertainment Weekly."

I finished a book this morning.

The three of us worked through some more Sparky hormonal behavior, and based on that conversation, I will be talking to my EAP provider at work on Monday to schedule some time for Sparky with a counselor, which he requested.

The kitchen is clean, the living room floor is clean(-er), and I feel like I have the usual illusory control on my life. I've also eaten WAY too much today, and my teeth hurt, but I'm still feeling pretty on top of things.

My oldest sister turns 63 tomorrow; her husband turned 64 last week. My brother turned 53 yesterday. This week saw three of my siblings' wedding anniversaries pass (36, 34, and 9 years). And three very dear friends have birthdays in the next week. It's a good time of year to be alive.

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