Monday, August 21, 2006

"I want to be a den-tist" *

I have to go to the dentist today.

I hate, hate, hate going to the dentist! How much do I hate it? I was crying about it last night.

The problem is that I know I need some intensive work, and today is when I (begin to) find out if it's a crown, or if it's digging out an old filling to replace it, or if it's root canal. None of it sounds good. The hygienist will also be yelling at me about not flossing...because I haven't been...because my teeth hurt. They've been sending out warning signals since April, making it painful to eat anything hot, cold, crunchy, or sweet for four months. I'm dreading the pain of the repair work so much that I've been willing to take painkillers, buy special toothpaste, and put my gums at risk to avoid it.

As I told Beast last night, what pisses me off is that he and Sparky have titanium teeth and can eat anything and get no cavities, whereas I virtually look at sweets and my teeth start rotting. AND I TAKE CARE OF MY TEETH: brush, floss (normally), watch the gums, make sure I get waaa-a-a-aaay in the back of my mouth.

Whatever they decide to do in my mouth, when I go back to have it all dealt with, I'm going to ask if laughing gas in an option. Or general. Or Valium. I'm totally freaked out, after 37 years of twice-yearly visits, plus 2-plus years of regular orthodontia, about my teeth.

Hence, the new avatar to the left.

* Brownie points to anyone who can say where this line came from.

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